The Adventures of Terrik Zion – Issue 03: Page 11
Last week I had a nice bike ride up along the coast but tomorrow is supposed to rain so I’ll be staying inside. Hopefully I’ll get to stream pencils on a TATZ page, if I do, I’ll be live over here on Picarto, drop on by and hang out if ya want to! I’ll announce it on Twitter if I’m able to. Speaking of Twitter, I finally opened up an account specifically for Terrik Zion related news and updates and whatnot. If you want to follow just for TATZ things, you can follow (at)TerrikZion. And although I’m not as active there anymore, if you want to see any and all art-related tweets of mine, you can follow my regular account (at)TristanArtSD. In fun news, today I finally mounted my old miter saw up to some 2x4s and then screwed that into my newly-created sawing station out in the garage! Now I just need to get some woodworking projects together to make use of it haha! I’m also planning on building a plywood “shelf” of sorts to put in the back of my car so I can throw my bike in through the trunk and keep it from scratching up the backs of my rear seats when they’re folded down. I’m hoping to do a lot more biking this year than I did last year. Well, that’s all I’ve got for now, so I’ll see ya next week!