Good news! Since the last update, my thumb has been getting better, so I’ve returned to art and some woodworking. I’m still working on issue 5 page 8/9 spread, it’s taking a really long time but I have to remind myself I’m technically working on two pages at the same time so I’m not really “falling behind” as it feels. I think I’ll be able to finish coloring it tomorrow though, so I’ll be right on to page 10 pencils on Thursday if all goes well. I also want to take a short break and draw some Halo fanart though. I’m always like 10 years behind the curve when it comes to fanart, but this time it’s more like 20 years lol. Halo came out when I was in high school and I realized it’s been 20 years so I should draw some Master Chief for funsies. Anyway, that’s all I’ve got for now, see ya next week!
