Woohoo! I finished issue 5 page 12 today and then I started organizing my Terrik Zion story bible – years ago, I would write down all my story ideas and development notes into random Word documents, which then started getting uploaded and modified in Google Docs, with new Google Docs also cropping up along the way. Eventually, everything was so convoluted that I combined all the relevant stuff into one cohesive document – the TATZ Master Document! However, over the years it’s drifted a bit and became fragmented and full of random notes and such. So tonight I started trimming it all down and organizing it even better than when it started out. I’ve also been developing a new (well, new in a sense) character for issue 6. She’s an old character in the sense that I was always going to add a medic character to the TATZ crew, but she’s new in that I decided to change her from being a Terran to a Xiphian and so she’s getting a lot of design changes. Personality-wise she’s the same as I developed before though, so that makes things a little easier. I’ve been taking a long time on pages recently but I find that during the day it’s hard to get going but at night I suddenly get all the creative juices flowing and I really start cranking stuff out. Hopefully I’ll be releasing some art of Kali (the medic) soon! That’s all I’ve got for now though, so I’ll see y’all next week!
