I almost forgot to update tonight! I had a sudden and unexpected hard drive failure yesterday. My primary file storage drive started acting funny sometime in the evening, showing me empty folders where I knew I had files. So I figured, maybe a glitch? I relaunched MacOS and it was still being weird so I figured, what the heck, I haven’t restarted in a couple weeks, maybe something is just wonky. Rebooted the system and on boot, I get a message that one of my drives cannot be read at all. Well, crap. I run Carbon Copy Cloner every night and it backs up my primary files drive onto a backup drive, so not a big deal… although still a little terrifying that all my files now only exist in one place, and as we all know: two is one, one is none. Anyway, today (after a long fiasco LOL) I picked up a couple new 4TB drives and spent many hours copying back my files from the backup drive onto my new primary storage drive. I still need to do a lot of BluRay archiving, but that can wait until morning. I think I might actually rework my backup strategy to include a third HDD, so I’ll have my SSD Workfile disc, HDD Primary Storage, HDD Backup 1 and HDD Backup 2. All my BluRay backups are done in duplicate so having my really critical files in triplicate would be great. My TATZ files are kept in… Quadruplicate? They live on my SSD, Primary Storage, Backup Storage, and a SanDisk flash drive. Back up your files, kids. Spend the money, seriously. You’ll thank yourself when things go wrong. Anyway, that’s enough of that, so I’ll see y’all next week.
