The Adventures of Terrik Zion – Issue 04: Page 17
I’ve had a better week than last week. I do have a really bad neck/shoulder/headache though. It’s lasted a couple days now but it’s better than before so hopefully that goes away soon. I tend to get these from time to time and I suspect it’s my posture while drawing that aggravates it. But, I cannot stop drawing so I will simply have to learn to live with this sort of pain. I’ve tried many different ways to sit and draw and I haven’t found anything foolproof yet to prevent these aches. Oh well. Anyway, I finished my recoloring project of TATZ 1 and I’ve been working on TATZ 6 recently. I have 8 pages pencilled so far and I finished inking the first page yesterday and flatted it today. I would have gotten more done but I spent like 4 hours this morning organizing my DeviantArt page so now everything is organized into specific galleries instead of all just being in one giant mess in my Featured category. I’m thinking what I’ll do is let my current art from each year be featured, and then at the end of the year I’ll put it into an annual art gallery and start the featured section fresh for the new year. I think that’s about all I have to report for this week so I’ll see y’all next time.