So my trashcan got a split in it last week (the city has notoriously not addressed issues with the trucks’ mechanical pickup arms being operated too quickly and generally disregarding the proper treatment of the cans)… I’m not going to let that wreck my trashcan however! I fabricated a ‘splint’ from some 1/16th” steel plate and ten 1/4″ 20 bolts, with metal plates inside and out. I also drilled a hole at each end of the split, in order to spread the forces out over a larger area to (hopefully) prevent more splitting. I’m pretty pleased with the result, it doesn’t look too out of place and it should theoretically keep the can in service for much longer.

I have no idea why I thought sharing that would be even remotely interesting to *anyone* but oh well LOL.

Anyway, see y’all next week!
